CanPoCUS Acute Care IP School
Are you finding it difficult to access the required number of supervised scans towards attaining CPoCUS Acute Care Core IP status? Or do you just want to refresh / improve your technique and interact with highly experienced instructors?
Perform up to 100 scans in one day!
This course has been developed for clinicians in Canada who have completed an introductory ultrasound course and would like access to supervised practice. We provide both normal models and simulated pathology, ultrasound machines and supervision by our friendly experienced faculty of CPoCUS Instructors and Independent Practitioners.

Within a supportive learning environment you will have access to approximately 20 – 25 models/patients during the day. This enables you to perform 20 – 25 scans in each of Aorta, FAST, Obstetric and Cardiac (and 10 Lung). All scans will be supervised and those that are determinate will be signed off in your IP log book.

It meets all the requirement for those wanting to progress to certification with CPoCUS Acute Care Core PoCUS Independent Practitioner (IP) and CPoCUS Family Medicine Core PoCUS IP
All faculty are CPoCUS qualified.
Please visit the CPoCUS website to view the full list of requirements necessary for IP certification.
Please note that CPoCUS require 50 supervised scans in each of Aorta, FAST, Obstetric and Cardiac and 10 Lung. Most delegates use this course to top up or prime-pump their logbook of supervised scans. If you have no access to local supervision then you may want to attend IP school more than once in order to complete your logged scans.
This modular approach allows maximum flexibility for those at different stages of their training and experience and caters for those just wanting to get more practice and also those wanting certification.